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Before you register your child, we’ve answered some of our most popular questions to help you.


Q: What is a normal day like at Summer Camp?

A: We kick off our morning at 8:30 AM and dive into our Summer Academy Experience. We open with Morning Worship & Chapel. The children then move into the classrooms for Academic Enrichment. If your child has enrolled into a workshop or clinic, they will transition into their classes afterward. Each day we have a camp special that repeats weekly (Arts & Crafts, Dance, Sports, Music, Cooking, ect.). At 12:15 PM, we have lunch. After that, our younger children will nap for two hours while the older children will dive into free play. At 3 PM, all children join back together for afternoon activities & outside play until you come to pick them up.


Q: What are your Summer Camp hours? How does drop-off and pick-up operate?

A: Morning Drop-Off is from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM. Summer Camp is from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Their day ends at 3 PM with pick-up running from 3 PM to 5:30 PM (at no-charge). After Care is from 5:30 to 6 PM. Children should eat breakfast at-home. Parents and families are to drop off students at the front door. You can pull up right to the front door in the morning and someone will greet your child at the front door and take their temperature. For afternoon pickup, use our ProCare communication tool to alert us that you are on your way with an estimated time. This will help us to prepare your child for pick-up. You can add authorized people for pick-up within the app. They will need their authorized pickup PIN (located within ProCare) to pickup your child.


Q: What do you use for parent communication?

A: All Community Families (Non-DaySchool Families) will be added to our ProCare app which will allow you to add authorized pickups and communicate with our teachers, staff, and front office during your child's camp experience. More information on this will be sent closer to the beginning of camp.


Q: My child is 3 years old but is not potty trained. Can they enroll?

A: No. Our younger students must be potty trained and must be able to use the bathroom independently. No exceptions.


Q: Is lunch provided? What exactly do we pack?

A: We do not provide lunch. Each child must pack a healthy lunch. We recommend that younger children also have two snacks packed in their lunch boxes to eat before lunch and to eat after naptime.  All children must have a water bottle with their name on it. We have a water fountain that all children will use to refill their water bottles throughout the day. To keep packing easy, we have a lunch schedule 


Lunch: Cold Lunch Only (Packed in a lunchbox or Paperbag with Name)


Q: Do we pay per week or pay per session?

A: Summer Camp Tuition is pre-paid per session. We offer four sessions. You MUST pay via our summer registration portal. Please note that all children go swimming on Fridays at the Walnut Street YMCA. We provide bus transportation to and from the pool (YMCA).


Q: Do the children need any supplies? Is there a dress code?

A: If you are a DaySchool Student, please bring your summer pack to school so that we can work your child through their pack. If your child has a summer reading list or work from their school, please make sure they pack it in their backpack.


All students will need to bring a lunch box and a backpack to keep everything in one place. Our younger children will need to bring their sleeping bags. Sleeping bags go home every two weeks for washing.


Academy Dress Code

Top: Solid Color Polos (Any Color) — Sleeveless polos for girls allowed

Bottom: Shorts, Khakis, or Jeans (Girls: Skirts & Skorts Allowed)

Shoes: Sneakers, Closed Toe Shoes (No Open Toed Shoes/Sandals except for Swim)


Friday Swim Dress

Please come to school with your swim clothes underneath your camp clothing. Children will change at the pool bathrooms before entering the pool. (Girls: Bathing Suit, Boys: Swim Trunks)

© 2024 by The DaySchool for Children

Address: 3071 New Castle Avenue, New Castle, DE 19720

Tel: (302) 652-4651 | Fax: (302) 652-4666

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