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The Day School for Children: A  Top Private School in the U.S.




The search for finding the best private school (preschool, daycare, childcare, elementary, lower school)  for your child begins very early, these days. Given that both parents generally work, putting your children in a quality environment that nourishes a family’s value system becomes paramount.  Even mothers or fathers ,who do stay home with their kids, value the knowledge both academic and psychological that a true quality school offers.  Schools have to be more then educational centers these days. Schools need to be ‘people nourishers and developers.’  Thus, founding an intentionally excellent program for young children can be a serious yet enjoyable task for parents.  The DaySchool for Children is one of the most dynamic, small, and individualized academic programs for children in Delaware, offering a high quality education.



(Serving New Castle, Bear,Middletown, Newark,Wilmington,Hockessin)


Discovering the ‘right’ preschool is just as important as getting into a quality college. The understanding of laying a high quality foundation in an environment that understands brain development is certainly the distinguishing factor outside of ‘good genes’.   At least some think so.   Sophisticated parenting involves thought and commitment over convenience. While average parents put their kids into a school close to their home, more  parents look for a high quality learning environment, a character building social space and challenging curriculum and then drive their kids or bus them to the school where they need to be.  One such school is without a doubt, The DaySchool for Children in New Castle Delaware prefers to bring children in at 2-4 years old to cultivate the best ‘brain foundation’ and then build upon that.


At New York’s Horace Mann, where educating a 4-year-old sets you back $26,880, kids are taught reading and computer readiness. At Chicago City Day School, where tuition is $17,000-plus, instruction in foreign languages, drama, music and science begins in the junior kindergarten.  Sidwell Friends where President Obama’s children attend, grow the creative imagination of the young and will cost over $35,000 a year .  In Delaware, a quality private preschool to elementary education may cost between $10,000- $22,000.  Even a quality Toddler Program might cost 200-300.00 a week.  At The DaySchool for Children, you get an excellent education, character and spiritual development plus children who become forward thinking leaders, without the huge price tag.   The DaySchool for Children is quietly known for producing some of the most educated children in the U.S. with very high IQs as well.  One generally will learn about the school if a current parent recommends you or a doctor recognizes the exceptional abilities in a child then informs the parent about the school. The DaySchool looks for families who understand the efforts of  high achievement and look for families who prefer their children be challenged in an environment that is particularly prepared to take advantage of each individual child’s best style of learning. The DaySchool having the ability to foster great levels of concentration and focus in children, believes that these factors are paramount for exceptional intellectual growth for life and just as important for healthy emotional stability and social discernment.


Given that the school is rather inexpensive, yet producing some of the most advanced children in the country,  getting in can be a chore but staying in is primary.  Given that the school is an authentically loving and caring environment, with awesome expectations for all of its children, parents must be committed to such high standards that the school expects.   We are told that when you walk through the doors one can sense the genuine love and intensity of seriousness about educating the young. The DaySchool for children is beaming with love, joy, and intense faith in all of its children whom they consider ‘family.’   The school is a Christian school that cultivates a relational connection with God and trains children to be focused on their inner purpose, listening to their individual inner voice and positive destiny.  Even our toddlers are more educated then most first graders.  The first graders are more educated then most 4th or 5th graders with many children testing several grade levels ahead. Their IQs most often fit the label—-genius.  


If you happen to live in Delaware, New Jersey or Pennsylvania, taking the drive to New Castle is well worth it. The school prides itself on its small community, as it is capable of focusing in on the needs of each child, helping the child to become rooted in individual ‘ethical wholeness’ and the ‘budding of potential’ worthy to be called ‘excellent’.  The motto is: Potissium quod vocatur spiritus et in potentia virtutis.  That is; ’Cultivating that potential of Spirit called…Excellence.”


The results speak for themselves. DaySchool children are at the top 1% in the nation. The kindness and wisdom of the children are quite notable while their quiet confidence is admirable and their work ethic and concentration is amazingly rare.  Their work ethic and stamina for mental challenge is simply outstanding.  At Harvard, Princeton and Yale they say, ‘Look to your left and then to your right. Next year one of you won’t be here.’  The longer your child can stay at The Day School for Children the more brilliant your child will become. So let’s pray that you stay.


The majority of the children at The DaySchool are African-American,  African, Indian or of mixed ethnicity. They are all amazingly brilliant!  If you would love to join this community of exceptional learning, click the button below to book a tour or contact the Admissions Office at (302) 652-4651.   


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